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About offers free, open-source versions of Tracker and Deskbar, the two applications that power the BeOS desktop.

What's new

2006-08-02 Thanks to Oliver Tappe, the PPC binaries are now also available.
2006-08-01 After the relatively long hiatus, the new version 5.3.0 has been finished. This release does not yet implement all of the planned usability changes, but it is a noticeable improvement over previous Tracker releases already - most of our regular contributors are currently busy working on Haiku as you might have guessed.
Many other enhancements have been done, see the release notes for an overview of what has changed.
2005-01-21 The OpenTracker project has acquired the domain Also, we've moved servers and are now self hosted, thanks to Mad Scientist Entertainment which gave us some space on their servers.

Latest changes

The Change Log covers the latest changes that were made to the repository - it should be almost as current as the CVS mailing list (changes are added to the bottom of the document).

News archive

Have a look at older news items.